This really isn’t Mavuno business, but it is very exciting: the rains have started. Last Saturday we received a down poor! It rained, and rained and rained. Rain in Africa comes for an hour, so much, so hard, dumping, loud and fast. I ran out the door, rolled up the car windows, and when I got back to the house it looked like I had jumped in the lake. The rain stopped fairly early in the morning, and all the water that couldn’t soak into the mud went running away in little rivers, and the sun came out. Today (Wednesday) everything is green. Mavuno went from a patchwork of black ash, and dusty brown, to beautiful, growing, green. In the last three days it has been amazing to see the change! We are all enjoying it. Praise the Lord.
Saturday morning

Reuben enjoying the rain

Pincushions are all over the hill right now

Everything turning green

Mango tree, covered it fruit