On October 7th Bianca Mary Joseph, from Forever Angels (http://www.foreverangels.org/) came to Mavuno and joined the Mbugua family. Bianca is five years old, and has been in orphanages ever since she was four days old. Pray for her as she adjusts to living in a family, and that as she becomes part of a loving family she would discover the even greater love of her heavenly Father. Pray that the Mbugua family would continue to grow together and that John and Milka would have the God-given strength to lead their family. Praise the Lord for this awesome chance to impact one of His beautiful creations.

Aika, Bianca, John and Milka

Mariamu, Helena, Michael, Bianca sitting on Milka’s lap, Aika, and then Jonathan on John’s lap
(Manyashi and Esta were both at school)

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