4 year old Sammy joined the Mbugua family on July 20th. He is the tenth child on campus with John and Milka. His siblings were overjoyed to welcome him into the family, helping him adjust quickly.

The four Mbugua boys
Sammy came from Forever Angels, where he has lived since shortly after his birth. Sammy has some special needs, yet is almost always happy and loves to be held. We’re so thankful that God has brought him to us!

Sammy with his new blanket

Sammy with his mommy
Seth Powell, a volunteer here, recently cut windows and a door in one of the 40 ft. containers that will serve as the Mavuno store.

The beginnings of the Mavuno store
The Mavuno families will be able to grow food and sell it here as well as buying flour, sugar, and other necessities. This will save huge amounts of time shopping for goods in Mwanza (an hour away)! One of the solar freezers sent in the latest container will be used here to refrigerate meat and other frozen foods that will be sold to Mavuno staff and families.

Shelving was made for part of the container while the other half was blocked off to store excess food.