Last night our staff, along with some Mavuno friends, met together in the evening to butcher one of our bulls. Those who helped with the process took home Tanzanian delicacies such as the stomach and intestines.

Checking out just how much grass the cow actually ate that day

The meat collected from the bull will provide clean, tender beef for the on-campus families and staff at the local price, but it will be much easier to obtain and of much better quality! It will be stowed in the solar freezer in the newly designed Mavuno Store.

Mavuno is in the process of improving the dairy program. To increase milk production, the cows are being fed more grass and remaining in their pens to be fed instead of grazing all over Mavuno land.

Jake and Carter helping out with the head

The only steer in the herd is in the process of being fattened for another butchering in the near future. Butchering this bull is one of our efforts to make our herd more manageable and cost-effective.

Hanging in the new store (check out the solar freezer in the back!)

Below, Megan Helsby oversees the meat cutting operation

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