Several weeks ago Manyashi Mbugua, the oldest on-campus child, became a Christian. Here is his testimony in his own words:
It was Friday, August 26 around 11 am. I was having a rest near a water tank and socializing with my daddy and my younger brother Michael. I asked my daddy a question, “There are people who are saved and keep sinning and there are people who are not saved but do good actions, so who will go to heaven when Jesus comes back?” My daddy answered, “Only the one who is saved by accepting and believing Jesus as his Savior. Which means Jesus died for his sins. We are not saved by our works but by accepting Christ.”
My daddy asked me, “Are you saved?” I said no. Then he asked me, “Do you want to be saved?” I said yes! I accepted Christ as my Savior and that he died for my sins. I prayed and after my prayer, my daddy also prayed.
Since that day I am peaceful and happy in my heart. When I go back to school I will ask my friends to accept Christ.
From John:
I told Manyashi that believing is accepting without doubt that Christ died for your sins. And this means that he died for all of your sins that you have committed and the ones that you will do tomorrow. I quoted Eph. 2:8-9 that we are not saved by works but by grace, through faith in Jesus. So believers will sin even though they are saved, and go to heaven. Unbelievers will go to hell even though they are doing good works. He was silent for a few minutes and then asked, “How can I be sure if Christ will take me when he comes?”
I told Manyashi about Romans 10:9,10. If you confess Christ and believe in your heart that he died for your sins you will be saved. I asked him, “Do you want to believe in him?” He asked if he had to wait until Sunday at the church. I told him no, you can do it now. He said he was ready. He asked Chrsit to come in his heart and after praying, you could see joy in his face. He said, “Next Sunday I want to stand before the church and tell them.” I told him, “Sure, you can do it!” The next Sunday he stood before the church and everybody was happy.
Before he went back to school, he asked me to write those verses out so that he could memorize them and use them to tell his friends about the Gospel.

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