The past couple of weeks have brought some sad happenings for us here at Mavuno. The first was the death of one of our off-campus mamas, Mama Selemani. They have had two of our Mavuno boys, David and Martin, and they also have three of their own children (and two relatives' children staying with them). They have been exemplary parents to all of these little people. We learned in January that Mama Selemani had liver cancer and only a few weeks to live. She was able to be at home and with her family until she died. Although we are, of course, deeply sad over the loss of this wife and mama, we are very thankful that she didn't have to suffer any longer. And we know that she is with the Lord! Baba Selemani now has a great weight to carry, so please pray for him and the children as they grieve for her. We are so thankful for the privilege of knowing this sweet and generous woman.

Martin, our Mavuno child and his mama
The same week of her death, we got a call from the biological mother of Manyashi saying that she wanted to take him back from Mavuno. She had originally relinquished him to us five years ago. We had interacted a number of times with her, and each time Manyashi also told her how much he wanted to stay with John and Milka and his new siblings and go to school here. He was so excited to finally have a family and stay in one place. It was with great sadness that we gave him over to his mama so that he could go back to the boarding school he had been attending. Not because we don't like his mama, but because we are not sure what the reasons are for her taking him back. Because social welfare will always give a child back to their biological parent, they were just doing what is customary. However, Manyashi did not know his mother well and had other desires. Please pray for him now that he is back at a boarding school and will not be a part of Mavuno anymore. Please pray for John, Milka and their children, as they are devestated over losing him. We know that God has great plans for him, and truly loves him more than we do! We love you, Manyashi. You have been a blessing to all of us, and we will never forget you!
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