Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Reuben Tanner reclines in a mound of mangoes harvested from Mavuno trees

Christmas came decked in mangoes and mud this year. Staff excitedly made their entrance to the annual Christmas party, which included some tasty beef and an intense white elephant gift exchange. The children eagerly passed gifts in a game of Musical Presents, and the day was polished off with many rounds of volleyball.

The hat with hair and the absurd glasses were big hits at the white elephant exchange

Church was the perfect place to celebrate on the actual day, and choirs from the area arrived to sing and worship together. Everyone enjoyed a large feast together and some of the events lasted until after sundown.

Michael Mbugua prepares to pass a wrapped surprise in musical presents

Esther Mbugua returns to her seat with a heaping bowl of food

Merry Christmas, one and all!

The children enjoy a lavish feast at the party

Dan Tanner successfully disposed of a massive village pest; one of four hippos that has been destroying numerous fields of corn and rice. The nationals were grateful for the unexpected source of meat provided by the large creature.

Dan Tanner supervises as the dead hippo is dragged from the lake

Villagers survey the large beast as they observe the process of extracting it from the water


Joel and Lauren Wildasin joined the Mavuno team on Saturday, November 26. They have two children... Treth, age 3, and Nya, age one; the third child is due in January. Joel is helping with the agricultural program and we praise God for their enthusiasm and expertise.

The Wildasins in their front driveway with the lake in the background

Alicia Hazlet is a long term volunteer who is developing the school program. Right now she teaches seven of the Mbugua children preschool. She comes to us with lots of experience and great ideas and she is an invaluable asset to Mavuno.

Alicia looks on as the children play a game with mangoes

With the Millers on furlough, Bev and Larry Nickish came to Mavuno for three months to do the bookkeeping. Bev works in the office as accountant while Larry does various projects on campus. He used to be a butcher and helped with slaughtering and butchering one of the Mavuno steers as well as construction and anything else that needs a handyman.

Larry and Bev were excellent in aiding the meat production

We thank God that he sent these dedicated volunteers to Mavuno.