Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Bella Neema Charles was born on August 19th 2009.  Her mother was mentally ill and could not take care of her.  She joined the Forever Angels Baby Home in Mwanza on February 3rd 2011 at approximately two years old, where she stayed until joining Mavuno.  She joined the Sh’tungulu family, an on-campus family here at Mavuno, on March 28th 2013.  She was a little intimidated at first but soon warmed up to her new family and home when her new father pulled out the candy!  She now has a godly mother and father who can train her up to become a woman of God.  We are so thankful to have this addition to the Sh’tungulu family.  Please pray for her as she adjusts to her new home and family.  Also pray that her parents have wisdom raising her and showing her the love of Christ.